Following a Water Filter Replacement Schedule

Following A Water Filter Replacement Schedule – How Important Is It?

Follow a Consistent Water Filter Replacement Schedule Most water filters come with a water filter replacement schedule recommended by the manufacturers. For example, for the Hexagon 8-Stage Pi-water Purifier replacement cartridge, the manufacturer recommends that owners replace it after reaching 10,000 liters or 12 months, whichever is earlier.… Read More »Following A Water Filter Replacement Schedule – How Important Is It?

Water Filtration at Point-of-Use to Remove Trihalomethanes

Water Filtration at Point-of-Use to Remove Trihalomethanes

Disinfection By-Products Disinfection-By-Products, or DBPs, are contaminants (some of them cancer-causing) that are left behind by the very chemical (chlorine) that utility authorities use to disinfect and make their water potable. About 15 years ago, scientific testing identified chlorine as a potential health hazard, but it is not chlorine… Read More »Water Filtration at Point-of-Use to Remove Trihalomethanes

Use a Chlorine Filter to Eliminate the Hidden Dangers of Chlorinated Water

Using a Chlorine Filter to Eliminate The Hidden Dangers of Chlorinated Water

The Hidden Dangers of Consuming Chlorinated Water Chlorine destroys vitamin B, C and E. Its potential dangers are linked to high cholesterol deposits, heart attacks, strokes, kidney/respiratory damage and even cancer. Chlorine causes cholesterol to be deposited in arteries. Furthermore, chlorine reacts with humic acid from decaying matter… Read More »Using a Chlorine Filter to Eliminate The Hidden Dangers of Chlorinated Water

How Safe is our Drinking Water?

How Safe is our Drinking Water?

Pollution of Our Water is Extensive The world uses over 35,000 types of chemicals. Another 1,000 types are added annually. These chemicals find their way, by means of industrial and chemical wastes, into rivers, reservoirs and lakes. These rivers, reservoirs and lakes are our sources of drinking water.… Read More »How Safe is our Drinking Water?

Special Properties of Healthy Water

Special Properties of Healthy Water

It is Clean, Pure, and Anti-Pathogenic Fresh unpolluted natural water is healthy, self-cleansing, and resistant to disease-causing microbes. The precise reason for this is not yet known, but research at the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil shows that living water inhibits the proliferation of many types… Read More »Special Properties of Healthy Water

Functions of Water in the Body

Functions of Water in the Body

We Need to Drink about 2.6 litres of Water Every Day Our bodies consist of at least 60% – 70% water. Water is involved in almost bodily function. Water requirements vary greatly from person to person. On average, we need about 2.6 litres of water daily to allow… Read More »Functions of Water in the Body