We Need to Drink about 2.6 litres of Water Every Day
Our bodies consist of at least 60% – 70% water. Water is involved in almost bodily function.
Water requirements vary greatly from person to person. On average, we need about 2.6 litres of water daily to allow optimal body functioning. You can live for weeks without food, but without water you will dehydrate and die within days.
A mere 2% loss of the water surrounding your cells can cause a 20% decrease in your energy level.
Water is Crucial for All Bodily Functions
Biochemical changes in human cells can only take place with water, to facilitate growth, and to maintain life and health.
Water serves to enhance blood circulation, regulate body temperature as well as aid in the carrying of oxygen to body cells. In addition, water also maintains the acid/alkaline balance.
This balance is essential for the optimum digestion and absorption of nutrients. Another vital function of water is in the area of cleansing.
Water is Necessary for Flushing ToxiNS & Wastes from the HUMAN BoDY
Today we have pesticides and herbicides in our fruits and vegetables; heavy metals in our fish; antibiotics and growth hormones in our meat products; and additives, preservatives and artificial colorings in our processed foods and drinks.
Many degenerative diseases have been attributed to the chemicals and carcinogens found in our water, air and food. These toxins if retained in the body can give rise to problems such as headaches, fatigue, pain, chronic illness and even cancer.
Water is the best defense against toxicity in the body because it flushes out poisonous waste, but you have to drink pure, healthy water, or it will only add to the problem.
Water Prevents Dehydration
The average newborn is 90% hydrated, but the average 65-year-old is only 55% hydrated! All of the symptoms of aging are accompanied by a slow dehydration of cells. The first signs of dehydration are headaches, insomnia, fatigue, and lack of mental alertness.
Many doctors now believe that dehydration is the root cause of all kinds of ailments, from acne and indigestion, to arthritis and obesity, to more serious conditions such as heart problems, hypertension and even cancer.
The link between dehydration, degeneration, and disease has led researchers to do in-depth studies of the functions and properties of water.
“What doctors label as disease is ‘deep dehydration’.”
– F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.