It is Clean, Pure, and Anti-Pathogenic
Fresh unpolluted natural water is healthy, self-cleansing, and resistant to disease-causing microbes.
The precise reason for this is not yet known, but research at the Adolfo Lutz Institute in Sao Paulo, Brazil shows that living water inhibits the proliferation of many types of microbes.
It is Alive with Vital Energy
The body’s trillions of cells vibrate and pulsate to a complex system of harmonic frequencies.
This pulsation of life enables cells to communicate with each other and perform crucial biological and chemical exchanges. Any disruption of this harmonic pulsation can cause pain, discomfort and disease.
Living water resonates with the energetic vibrations of your body. When you drink living water, it amplifies, animates and perpetuates your own life force. Drinking dead water on the other hand, has a detrimental effect because your body has to expend precious energy “turning it on” and giving it energy before it can be used for bodily functions.
It is Infused with Vital Oxygen
Oxygen is the fuel of life – the more you have of it, the better your body functions, and the healthier you are. Most of us think that we only take oxygen in through the air, but actually oxygen that is dissolved in water offers a much more direct route to our cells. Oxygen in our drinking water can reach the blood in 30 seconds; the brain in one minute; the skin in 10 minutes; and the liver, heart and kidneys in 20 minutes!
Healthy water offers abundant oxygen that is readily available to your cells. It also augments the oxygen you inhale which is especially helpful if you breathe poor quality air or if aging or poor health have slowed down your oxygen uptake.
It is Rich with Ionic Minerals and Trace Minerals
As water moves through earth, it gathers minerals and trace minerals, which are needed to conduct and generate billions of tiny electrical impulses in the body. Without these impulses, not a single muscle, including your heart, would be able to function, nor could growth and repair be accomplished.
Dr Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, states: “You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
The minerals and trace minerals in water are the best for you because they are in ionic form – the form most bio-available to your cells (even better than chelated or colloidal minerals).
It has the Perfect pH
Natural water with its rich mineral content has a slightly alkaline pH. It supports the average pH7.35 of your body fluids which is necessary for transporting oxygen, regulating metabolism, eliminating acidic waste, and preventing disease.
It has a Vital Hexagonal Structure
Healthy water remembers its life as ice. It is neatly ordered in small molecular clusters that form perfect hexagonal shapes with rich minerals snuggled inside them.
The healthiest water has beautiful crystal hexagonal formations even in its liquid form, but they become most apparent just before freezing. Unhealthy water on the other hand, typically has large or pentagonal molecular clusters or remains chaotically formless even as it starts to freeze.
Why is cluster structure important? Because it matches the clustered water found inside and around our body cells. Small clusters are perfectly designed to interact with other molecules, to communicate using energetic vibrations, and to slip easily through cellular membranes–carrying nutrients in and lifting toxic waste out of our cells to keep them young and vibrantly healthy. Large clusters are chaotic, clumsy and far less useful to the body.

Healthy water remembers its life as ice. It is neatly ordered in small molecular clusters that form perfect hexagonal shapes with rich minerals snuggled inside them.
The healthiest water has beautiful crystal hexagonal formations even in its liquid form, but they become most apparent just before freezing. Unhealthy water on the other hand, typically has large or pentagonal molecular clusters or remains chaotically formless even as it starts to freeze.
Only healthy water can form beautiful hexagonal snowflake-like crystals. Snow water, water in fruits and vegetables, cold water from deep wells and pristine streams – all have the ideal hexagonal structure.
Why is cluster structure important? Because it matches the clustered water found inside and around our body cells. Small clusters are perfectly designed to interact with other molecules, to communicate using energetic vibrations, and to slip easily through cellular membranes–carrying nutrients in and lifting toxic waste out of our cells to keep them young and vibrantly healthy. Large clusters are chaotic, clumsy and far less useful to the body.

Tap water cannot form crystal hexagonal structures even when it freezes.
Water’s hexagonal structure is probably its most important property, but it is also the most fragile. It is easily destroyed by environmental contaminants and modern water treatment process.
The Structure of Water Determines Our Health
Water molecules are made of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms (H2O). The relationship between these atoms gives water a unique electrical polarity. Water’s unique ability to form and transform; create and recreate; penetrate and dissolve anything it touches; and to collect and deposit information wherever it flows is what gives all living things their vital dynamism.
Water molecules bond easily with other molecules. In other words, water is extremely “sociable”. It eagerly seeks to mingle with other elements and gladly picks up “hitchhikers”. This is a great feature if the water picks up good things like rich nutritious minerals and life-giving oxygen, but it’s a very bad thing when it picks up toxic pollutants, nasty chemicals or disease-causing organisms and then enters your bloodstream!